904-401-3858 | info@jaxswim.com

How much does this program cost?

$25/lesson paid monthly in advanced

Why only 10 minute lessons?

Many reasons. Children have less than a 10 minute attention span. This is the time you have to really teach them and for them to retain what they learned. Anything longer is wasted time and they are not learning. Also, swimming is more cardio than running. Therefore, it takes time for them to build their endurance when being independent in water. For the smaller children their bodies can only do so much cardio before needing to rest.

30 minutes group classes are "longer" but are they? 

4 or more kids divided by 30 minutes...That's less than 10 minutes with 1:1 time with the instructor sitting on a wall waiting their turn or being held singing songs. That's why students get stuck in those programs for years with a "swim level" assigned remaining at risk of being drowning victims because they don't have their independent skills that actually only take a few months to learn.

Why 1-2 lessons per week instead of 5?

Swimming is a muscle memory. We don't go to the gym 5 days a week working the same muscle groups. Our bodies need rest. With shorter, less frequent lessons children actually retain their skills and build on what they have learned instead of forgetting everything a few weeks later.

Why does my child cry?

(p.s they cry in group classes also) Infants and children age 1-4 cry. It's a normal part of development. Most of the time it's due to attachment and wanting mommy, daddy, or caregiver. For ages 1-4 we learn our independence and our voices. We get frustrated when we don't get what we want so we have tantrums. While it's hard to watch it's normal. They get mad. It's ok. Then they get what they want and are happy again. 

What to bring to my lesson?

An extra swim diaper, towels, goggles, and warm clothes for after during winter months.


A drowning is any struggle in water. So if you have to help someone out of the water that is still a drowning. A fatal drowning is when death occurs.

"Dry" Drowning or Secondary Drowning

There is actually no such thing as "Dry Drowning" or "Secondary Drowning" they are not medical conditions not even "Near Drowning". Only drowning. Kids burp during lessons. We take extra AIR into our bellies when we take extra breaths from learning to hold our breaths for going under water, or when crying. The burps are air...not water. Children may swallow water in a pool occasionally but that is different than inhaling water slipping past the vocal cords and filling the lungs typically causing coughing and silence as it obstructs the airway. Aspiration Pneumonia can occur when liquids, food, saliva, or vomit are breathed into the lungs instead of swallowed down the esophagus. Symptoms include but not limited to increasing fatigue, increasing cough, and many complain of nausea or vomiting. Watch for labored breathing and or fever and consult with your physician shall you ever experience these symptoms. 

Which swim school is best for my child?

You have to ask yourself what is important to you. Do you want your child to be able to self rescue? Do you want your child to be able to swim independently? Or, do you want your child to just have fun singing songs spending years "graduating swim levels". Here's the truth. When someone refers a swim school ask how long did it take for your child to float on their own? How long did it take your child to swim on their own? These skills take MONTHS...NOT YEARS to learn!! Leading cause of death in 1-4 year olds is drowning!! It happens more than you know it just doesn't make the news. But I watch my kids. Drownings happen with everyone around. Right in front of your face. Ask the instructor for certification and for insurance as many places hire "instructors" with no certification or swim background again because they typically just play with your children. If a child can crawl, a child can float INDEPENDENTLY. If a child can walk, a child can swim short distances INDEPENDENTLY. Three year olds can learn strokes, and Four and up can be on a swim team. Know your facts and don't fall into the gold mine traps that make promises just to keep you there month after month. 


 Water temperature for children should be above 78F degrees. The perfect ideal teaching temperature is at least 85F/86F. Children 2 and under can not regulate their own body temperatures. Sometimes even older children struggle to do so. If a child's lips start discoloring, or they are shivering, they are cold. Being in water lowers our body temperatures naturally, so it's very important to monitor small children in water to prevent hypothermia.